sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020


Creating a comic :Pixton

This is the link of an example of a Pixton activity that my students of 2 ESO has created.

It was the first time that we have used this application and we have decided to work in groups and create one comic all the class because we don't have much time to do it. Otherwise in the future I am going to designed other individual tasks to work with the app due to the wonderful final product and my students implication. 
Students should invent a surprising situation at the school and in groups of three they should create a new comic strip following the story that their other students have invented. It was done in only 1 hour because we can't book the computers room for more sessions that's why this task was not so long. In a previous session I have explained the use of past simple and past continuous and it should be included in at least two comic strip. 
 The specific learning objectives for the activity was to use past and present verbal tenses, to use the digital resources, follow the story with coherence, to be creative. All the objectives were achieved and creativity was worked in teams.
At the end of the task students have evaluated the tool as a very good one because they can use a lot of images, characters and add the text that they want. On the other hand they think that more resources should be free because a lot of tools were only available under subscription
What can I change for next time? I would designe the task not only for one session but at least 3 or 4 and to work individually because they can develop their imagination and made a better use of digital competences and writing skills. 
To sum up, this app is potentially motivating for all students and to develop and improve their writing. It is necessary to control their production with feedback and comments of the teacher. Even students can share the links of their comics and create another comic from the one that their classmates have designed.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Rocío,
    I really like your blog because all the activities you have done with your students using the tools suggested in this course are very interesting and well structured. It is easy to follow the instructions and the activities are appropriate for the level of your students. I love the activity done with Pixton. I will try to do one with my students in 2º ESO. The only negative thing I could say is that the appearance is a bit dark and it sometimes make it difficult to read it. Good job!
