martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


I have chosen Celia’s Teaching English blog and the activity with Pixton because of the information and content. It is a task that I will use in my class to encourage my students to narrate anecdotes with comics. 

Now I will plan a Pixton activity for my English class of 3 ESO with the conditionals use. After explaining all the contents of the unit about relationships and conditionals in groups of three they should create a comic. I want students consolidate vocabulary and grammar by using the comic format. It is a good tool to review their knowledge.

I should create the groups of three with three different levels of English in each group because it is important to compensate the level. They are going to narrate different situations (a party, holidays with friends, a trip, at school etc) with different people and they have to narrate anecdotes by using the different conditionals and the vocabulary of the unit.

When they have all the drawing of the situation they should start using Pixton and creating the comic. This tool will encourage their imagination and digital competence. I will evaluate all the process and not only the final result.

To summarise I think the activity could be very interesting and useful in English classroom and it has many ways to work with it, at the end, middle or beginning of the unit. As always working with new technologies is something motivating for all our students and they are learning while enjoying!! 

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