sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020


In order to celebrate Andalusia's festivity my students have created timelines of famous Andalusian people with the application Timetoast.

The learning objectives of the activity are that the students will be able to order life events of important Andalusian people, use of different verbal tenses, investigate and know about Andalusian culture, work in groups and use of new technologies and application.

Some of the advantages that I have observed by using Timetoast is that students have organised their groups, investigated and decided their characters and the application. It is an easy and very intuitive application, the indications are in English so they have used English language, it is very visual and it motivates students because it can include images. They have developed the digital competence, social and linguistic competence.

I have organised the activity in four sessions, the first one to explain students what they have to do, the evaluation of the activity and to show them how to register and use TimeToast. In that session they chose their team works and investigated different artists, at the end of the session they communicated the person they have chosen.
In the second session students have selected at least 6 different important events of Andalusian's life and started to make the timeline. In the third sessions they have finished and share with the teacher. In the fourth session they did the oral exposition to share with all the class their knowledge and we did a self evaluation.

The main problem was to register because with the free account is limited so you can't use all the resources. But for projects like this one it is not necessary to pay, it is enough.

Students' reaction was good because they are used to make timelines but in a traditional way, posters. New technologies are so motivating for them, at the end of the sessions they evaluated the project as a good one and they will like to repeat the activity.

I would like to change the topic and maybe to do it about English or American artists, writers, musicians and maybe to work individually.

TimeToast is a good tool that helped students to achieve:
 the development of the digital competence they have used internet, computers to have a good timeline.
to organise and work in teams, the development of the social competence is important.
to develop their imagination including images, choosing diffetent tools in the app
to select and sum up the most important events in someone's life.

In conclusion it is a very useful tool that I will choose to work in my class because students have learnt and enjoyed a lot and I can evaluate different key competences.

Here you can find some of my students' timelines:

https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2191287    Juan Ramón Jiménez

https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2191274     Antonio Banderas

https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2184983     Luis Cernuda

https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/2184987     Pablo Alborán

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